

Causes of obesity:

Causes of obesity:
Cause of classification

Divided into simple obesity and secondary two major categories of obesity

(A) simple obesity

No obvious cause of endocrine and metabolic diseases are to be found

1. Physique, also known as juvenile-onset obesity and obesity -

2. Acquired obesity, also known as adult-onset obesity

(B) secondary obesity

There are obvious causes of endocrine and metabolic diseases, such as available

1. Hypothalamic disease

(1) of the hypothalamus syndrome: a variety of causes of traumatic after-effects such as inflammation can lead to cancer, such as granuloma hypothalamus syndrome of obesity

(2) inability to reproductive disorders and obesity: Frohlich, also known as syndrome

2. Pituitary disease

(1) ACTH pituitary tumor cells: also known as Cushing's disease

(2) pituitary growth hormone (GH) cell tumor: also known as acromegaly

(3) pituitary prolactin (PRL) cell tumor

3. Hypothyroidism

(1) primary (and thyroid) hypothyroidism

(2) of the hypothalamus - pituitary hypothyroidism

4. Islet disease

(1) non-insulin-dependent (NIDDM2 type) diabetes early

(2) Insulinoma: B, also known as islet cell tumor

(3) functional spontaneous hypoglycemia

5. Adrenocortical hyperthyroidism, also known as Cushing's disease Cushing's syndrome

6. Gonadal Hypothyroidism

(1) female menopause obesity

(2), polycystic ovary syndrome

(3) No male testis or testis-type disease-free

7. Other

(1) the pain of obesity (Dercum's disease)

(2,) of salt and water retention of obesity

(3) inside the skull plate hyperplasia (Morgagni-Stewart-Morel syndrome)

(4) and naive - retinitis pigmentosa - means more (toe) malformation syndrome (Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome)

8. Obesity drug-induced psychosis in patients with long-term use of certain diseases chlorpromazine to promote long-term use of insulin protein synthesis preparation of sugar, and other quality-Astemizole appetite in patients with hyperthyroidism and can lead to obesity.
